History of our name

Our Kung Fu school was founded in 1979 by Sifu Trieu Trung La. He was trained in Vietnam at the sports school Bao Truyen of professor Nguyen-Dinh-Bao.
'Truyen' means the hope that the name 'Bao' shall always survive.

At this sports school you could train various Martial Arts, as Judo, Karate, Vo Vietnam and Kung Fu. In 1979, after four days of examination Sifu Trieu Trung La got his second master degree.

The Chinese name of our school is:

Bao Trieu Ti I Chung Sin


Bao Trieu Ti I Chung Sin
the name of Professor Nguyen-Dinh-Bao the name of our founder Sifu Trieu Trung La body to grow middle heart
together meaning sport together meaning center

In plain English:

Bao Trieu Sports Center

This picture shows Sifu Trieu Trung La a few years ago.
