Santiago Gonzalez-Cintra
The technical boxer from Cuba

From the very start, the training is geared at a fighting situation. All movements are in action, combining attack and counter. Boxeador One starts with the technique, always introduced by one or more jabs of the front fist, and Boxeador Two counters by stepping away from the line, followed by corners. The combinations aren't simple, but when executed by Santiago, his souple movements make you think of that other beautiful Cuban art: Salsa.
Santiago's boxing is more than sport.
It is passion, it is art.

Santiago Gonzalez-Cintra was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1964. He started boxing when he was 13; up to his 15th he participated in 60 boxing matches, winning 55 and loosing 5.
Because of his good results, Santiago continued to the national competition of Cuba. During this period he took part in 60 boxing matches, winning 76 and loosing 4. Santiago also won several gold medals, and was awarded 5 times as being the most technical boxer from the competition.
Santiago studied at the Havanna Academy of Sports for 5 years. He then started the second part of his career: as a boxing trainer. For 8 years he participated in national tournaments, in which his pupils won 50 golden and 20 silver medals.

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